
LACC has joined the United Nations Global Compact for Sustainable Development

LACC has joined the United Nations Global Compact for Sustainable Development

Corporación América Airports in Uruguay, global group LACC is a part of, has signed its adherence to the United Nations Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability initiative worldwide.

 The United Nations Global Compact is a call to companies and organizations to focus their strategies and operations in accordance with the ten universal principles related to human rights, the environment, labor standards and the fight against corruption, among other aspects. With this action, we reaffirm our commitment to the work that Latin America Cargo City has been doing to promote the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

 Sustainability is a strategic pillar of our work, and we continue to carry out projects, initiatives and actions with the objective of contributing to sustainable development.

Latin America Cargo City is part of Corporación America, the largest airport operator in the world with a network of over 50 airports across 3 continents.

For more information, please contact us at info@latinamericacargocity.com